Thursday, September 4, 2014

Peanut Butter Buddies

Yep, that's right Peanut Butter Buddies are this week's special, and we couldn't be more excited for them!  My kids hurry in on the days we have these just so they can fight over the edges.  If you've never had them, here is the low down.
Do you remember back in the old days when kids would get desserts with their school lunch and every school had a peanut butter bar with chocolate frosting that were the only good thing that the cafeteria would make? Peanut Butter Buddies are just like them, only better! These hearty peanut butter bars are topped with a silky, smooth chocolate frosting that is guaranteed to knock your socks off! There is one warning with them; eat what you want right away, 'cause they probably won't survive until morning. ;0)
Peanut Butter Buddies come 5 to a box for $4.50

Our weekly breads are always made fresh that day, sliced and ready to be devoured.
Honey Whole Wheat ($4)
Harvest White ($4)
Cinnamon Swirl ($5)

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